Saturday, August 31, 2019

Passive Design Strategies Achieving Effective Response to Local Climate

PASSIVE DESIGN STRATEGIES ACHIEVING EFFECTIVE RESPONSE TO LOCAL CLIMATE Table of contentspage Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ .Abstraction This survey is aimed at placing the specific inactive schemes that can be applied to edifices in a specific type of local clime to accomplish a proper response to that clime. With edifices being the highest energy consumers and inactive design schemes of major benefit in decrease of energy demand for chilling and warming, the research will bring out the effectivity of the major inactive chilling and heat turning away schemes in supplying thermic comfort and how the pick of these is a effect of the local clime. To accomplish an thorough research, different literature beginnings where used to find a assortment of inactive design schemes that are employed in different climes. From this cognition, the schemes used at the first block of suites at the Belum rain forest resort where identified and their effectivity is established consequently. The first block of suites at the Belum rainforest resort incorporate a big figure of inactive design schemes supplying a wider fluctuation of compari ng survey. These when compared to the other blocks at resort will widen the range of the research. Approximately 40 % of family energy is used for warming and chilling to accomplish thermic comfort. This rate could be cut to about nothing in through sound clime antiphonal inactive designs.. To accomplish high energy efficiency at belum rain forest resort, schemes like Encouraging natural air flow with big gaps and supplying shadowing were used amongst other non as effectual methods. It can therefore be concluded that some inactive design schemes are more effectual than others in specific climes and cognition on this effectivity can drastically better energy efficiency gained due to the usage of these design schemes.IntroductionEach clime zone has clearly different design and building demands, This is because within each of these chief zones there are besides many regional sub-zones with differing local conditions features such as air current forms, humidness, temperature and tallnes s above sea degree. There exists a big figure of inactive design schemes that can be applied to any peculiar edifice. Of these schemes, some are cosmopolitan and would use to about all types of climes but for the most portion each of these clime zones require specific types of inactive design techniques to be applied to edifices in order to be effectual. In add-on to this, in response to the local clime, some of these specific passive schemes are more effectual than others in accomplishing their ends and therefore a grade of precedence can be placed on them for easier design determination devising. Malaysia has high temperatures and a High humidness twelvemonth unit of ammunition, to accomplish edifice sustainability energy usage for chilling has to be minimised, the major factors to see for this clime are the air current and the Sun. Most of the heat addition in the edifices is from the Sun specifically solar heat addition though Windowss and conductivity heat addition through walls. And most of the chilling is by air flow. From this we can clearly detect that the most effectual inactive design schemes are those that control heat addition and supply chilling through air motion. This paper will look into how effectual peculiar inactive design schemes employed to the first block of suites at the Belum rainforest resort in reacting to the local clime by reacting to the undermentioned research inquiries:What is inactive architecture design?What are the inactive design schemes employed to accomplish decrease in heat addition in the first block of suites at the Belum rain forest resort?What are the inactive chilling design schemes employed in the first block of suites at Belum rainforest resort?How make these passive design schemes employed efficaciously respond to the local climePassive architecture designHarmonizing to†¦Passive architecture design refers to a design attack that uses natural elements, frequently sunlight, to heat, cool, or light a edifice. Every inactive design attack is aimed to maximize comfy conditions for people to populate in, while cut downing the usage of energy and therefore the impact of edifices on the environment. In a physical s ense, a inactive design attack is one that will utilize merely locally available energy beginnings like radiation from the Sun, air motion from air currents and temperature differences and use the natural flow waies of that energy to bring forth work. This work is chiefly the warming, chilling and illuming of enclosed infinite and as such inactive design systems will necessitate really small care and cut down a building’s energy ingestion by minimising or taking mechanical systems like pumps and fans used to command indoor temperature and lighting and devour a batch of energy. Passive architecture design is required in order to cut down on the demand for mechanical chilling and warming of indoor infinites. In bend this warming and chilling is required in order to accomplish thermic comfort. Therefore thermic comfort can be regarded as the terminal demand of inactive architecture design together with energy efficiency while accomplishing that. Bs en iso 7730 defines thermic comfort as that status of head which expresses satisfaction with the thermic environment. That is to state the status when person is non experiencing either excessively hot or excessively cold. The chief factors impacting thermic comfort are temperature of the air, humidness, air motion, metabolic rate and vesture. Of these, air temperature ( which is the chief determiner ) , humidness ( which affects evaporative chilling from the human tegument ) and air velocity or motion ( which accelerates vaporization ) are all affected by general environmental factors and can hence be controlled ut ilizing inactive architecture designs.inactive design schemes accomplishing heat addition decrease in the first block of suites at the Belum rain forest resortOn this block at the Belum rain forest resort, heat turning away was given extreme importance as the block is extensively shaded and a overplus of heat turning away schemes was used compared to the inactive chilling schemes. The schemes include orientation of the edifice to its site, usage of deep over bents, usage of mesh shadowing devices on Windowss, shadowing of walls and facade, usage of banian sticks to shadow Windowss and usage of flora for shadowing both Windowss and the frontage Orientation This block of suites is oriented in such a manner the longer facade that has the suites and window gaps faces the north-south way with no Windowss on the east-west way. This provides for a shaded in-door infinite during twenty-four hours clip, in this set up, exposure to radiation is minimised as solar radiation is easy controlled by over bents since the high angle of the Sun in the sky in summer makes it easy to shadow Windowss utilizing this while daylighting is maximised cut downing on the demand for unreal lighting in the edifice. Besides in this orientation the eastern and western sides that have no window gaps are exposed to the low-angle summer Sun in the forenoon and afternoon and hence there is less heat addition from these Deep overhangs This block of suites uses a pitched gable to gable type of roof.The usage of a pitched roof provided for deep over bents on the longer frontages. The overhangs On the north and south-facing walls, control direct beam solar radiation. And therefore cut down on the incident heat on the facade and the first floor Windowss. Overhangs are most efficient because being external shading devices, they intercept solar radiation before it has entered through the Windowss or is incident on the walls and therefore even when energy is absorbed by them it is non trapped behind the glass. As the edifice does non precisely face north-south, the over bents are of increased size. This was besides done to efficaciously supply shadiness for both floors of the block. Mesh shadowing on Windowss This shading was extensively applied to all Windowss of this block of suites. This mesh shading placed in forepart of Windowss is considered more efficient than the complete bents chiefly because it is suited and provides shadiness for the Windowss all through the twelvemonth. Unlike the other shading devices, it does non necessitate extended computation to acquire optimum consequences and does non depend on the angle of the Sun. The Mesh besides provides this shadowing while leting for air motion and therefore encourages cross airing. The meshes are made of coated metals as being portion of external shading devices there is demand for the stuff to be upwind resistant. They besides have an added advantage of being flexible to utilize and keep. Banyan sticks cladding The south and north confronting walls of this block are about wholly made of Windowss to advance airing with minimised exposed wall. The entireness of the Windowss and exposed wall is clad in closely arranged banian sticks that farther heighten the shading to the Windowss in add-on to the mesh shading provided. Like the other external shading devices it reduces on the incident heat on the Windowss and the walls. And besides due to their distance from the window radiation energy absorbed by the banian sticks is non re-radiated to the window or wall. They were besides used as a base for vegetive shading. Bing a signifier of perpendicular shading, they have been besides used to shadow the E and west frontages of the block. The banian sticks are treated to accomplish conditions opposition and prevent decay. They have a major disadvantage of cut downing visibleness and natural twenty-four hours light into the edifice The facade of the block was besides constructed in such a manner that the open walls are perpendicular to the way of the facade and as such are wholly shaded by next walls. This design ensures that no external wall is straight exposed to the Sun and as such do non absorb beaming heat. Vegetative shading This was achieved at this block of suites by usage of mounting workss that get support from the banian sticks cladding. With the banyan sticks already positioned to supply shading, the workss are introduced so as to heighten the shadiness provided by the sticks. These workss provide the 3rd and concluding bed of shadowing after the mesh shading and the banian sticks cladding. They cut down solar radiation to every bit low every bit low as 20 % .These together with the banian sticks facade cladding besides work as a clime shield, protecting the edifice from rain and air current bill of exchanges through the Windowss. They besides protect the edifices coloring material and the facade it’s ego from intensive conditions. Plants besides have the added advantage of supplying evapo-transpiration, where, as workss transpire and loose H2O to the ambiance, the vaporization that takes topographic points uses heat energy from the environing chilling it in return.Passive chilling schemes employed in the first block of suites at the Belum rainforest resort.

Extent to Which Social Stratification Is Usefull and Inevitable in Society Essay

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. With these familiar words of the Declaration of Independence, the founders of America established social equality as a guiding principle. Yet for almost a century after the document was signed, slavery was common in much of the United States, and legal infringement of the rights of women and black Americans continued for almost two centuries. Today,the â€Å"Inalienable right† to â€Å"life,liberty,and pursuit of happiness† is still not equally awarded. For generations now there has been the American Dream of unlimited opportunities for all. The reality, however, has been closer to the underlying principle of the barnyard society in George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’: â€Å"All animals are equal,but some animals are more equal than others. † Therefore the essence of this paper is to critically discuss the extent to which social stratification is useful and inevitable in society. It will start off by providing definitions of technical terms. In order to arrive at a clear understanding of the subject under discussion,the concept of social stratification shall also be explained. In addition,the main systems involved in social stratification will be highlighted. Afterwards,the main subject matter will be discussed and in line with this,examples and theories that apply shall be given in support. Finally,a conclusion will be given. According to Harris and Scott (1997),social status is the position or positions occupied by individuals or groups of individuals in relationship to other groups or individuals in society. Each person occupies a great number of statuses and at the same time are continually changing. For example,one person may occupy the status of a husband,father,skilled worker and so on. However,the bottom line is that status can either be ascribed or achieved. Social mobility refers to the movement of individuals or groups from one status in society to another . Since there are several dimensions to social standing or status,people are able to change position by gaining or losing wealth,prestige and power. Upward mobility refers to movement up the social ladder,or a gain in status;downward movement refers to a movement down the social ladder,or a loss of status. Upward and downward mobility,collectively is what is called vertical mobility,an example of this type of mobility is an individual being promoted from a secretarial position to a management position,hence moves from the lower class to the middle class. Another is the horizontal mobility,this refers to movement within a social class. This happens when an individual moves from one job to another job of same social ranking,for example,an accountant moves from one firm to another. Individuals can also have a higher social status than their parents,this is referred to as intergenerational mobility (Coser 1983). Social stratification is a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. The word stratification is derived from the word ‘stratum’ which is a geographical word meaning a layer of rocks of which each layer lies between similar layers of different texture. Sociologists use the term to describe a hierarchical ordering of people or groups as though were arranged in horizontal layers,one above the other. It means that people exist in layers of prestige,power and wealth. It is a structural ranking of people that perpetuate unequal economic rewards and power in society. Social inequality is an inevitable result of social stratification in that certain groups of people stand higher in society,control scarce resources,yield power and receive special treatment. Therefore,a stratified society comprises of members who are either rich, poor, powerful, powerless, high or low (Kerbo and Harold 1991). Social stratification is universal except that it varies from society to society. This means that the hierarchical arrangement takes place in all societies in the world but the criteria used differs from society to society. This is so because every society has its own norms and values hence different culture. For instance,most African societies value marriage or family life while European or American societies encourage working towards the obtaining of wealth. The differences in values and culture differentiates a society from another. Subsequently,in some societies,age and sex are used as systems of social stratification. Nevertheless,the most commonly used include the caste,the class,the colourbar and the estate systems of social stratification. (Ibid). The caste system is also called the closed system of social stratification. In this system,social stratification is based on ascription. It is closed on the sense that birth alone determines one’s social destiny with no opportunity for social mobility based on individual effort. People in this system are ranked in a rigid hierarchy and It is more concerned with religious roles and rituals and is practiced in Hinduism and Indian societies. There are five groups of people in this system namely:the Brahmin,comprising of priests;the Kshatrya, comprising of landlords;the Vaisya,made up of farmers;the Saundra,who are the peasants and the least group being that of the Harijans or the untouchables. In addition,this system is characterized by endogamy. Meaning that marriage outside one’s group is not allowed (Maines and David ,1993). The class system is called the open system. This system is so open that people who gain schooling and skills may experience social mobility. This system was looked at and recognized by Karl Marx and Marx Weber in their Conflict theories. In this system,social mobility drives class distribution. Everyone is believed to be entitled to equal rights and social position,therefore it is based on achievement rather than ascription. In both the cast and class systems people remain unequal but the class system rests on talent,opportunity and effort unlike the caste system which is by birth. In the class system, careers are an issue of individual choice and not moral duty. Consequently,individual freedom is allowed in the selection of marriage partners. (Ibid). The colourbar is another system of social stratification,this system is based on skin colour or race. People in this system are arranged hierarchically on the basis of their skin colour. An example of a colourbar society is South Africa before its independence. There were four main categories of people in South Africa,they were hierarchically categorized as follows;at the top were the Whites,the Colourds,Asians and at the bottom,the Blacks. In addition,colourbar societies are characterized by high levels of segregation,slavery and racism (Goode ,1994). The last system of social stratification is the Estate system. This was a system created by law. Henceforth,laws provided clear distinctions between people. This system acknowledged only three categories of people in society. These were; the Nobles or landlords who owned land and means of production,the Clergy who were men of God and the Commons who worked on the farms of the Nobles in exchange for wages. (Ibid). Ordinarily,social stratification is inevitable in society because it is a characteristic of each and every society and not simply a mere reflection of individual differences. In all societies,people rarely control destinies but rather people’s lives are shaped by the prevailing system of social stratification. For example, children born in wealthy families enjoy better health, food, shelter, clothing, education and succeed in life and live well into old age than those born into poverty. Therefore, social stratification being part of society and not a reflection of personal talents and effort,is inevitable (Shapiro and Thomas, 1998). From the functional perspective,social inequality is both inevitable and necessary for allocating individuals to important social roles. The most persuasive argument for the functional theory of stratification was made nearly forty years ago by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore. They contended that people are motivated to perform demanding or difficult roles through the unequal distribution of rewards. If surgeons did not have such high occupational prestige and incomes,Davis and Moore argued,not enough people would put up with the long years of training,life-and-death responsibilities or personal sacrifices that the surgeon’s role requires. On the other hand,Plumbers fulfill a social role that demands less effort and training,make less money and enjoy less prestige. Social inequality according to Davis and Moore is thus an unconsciously evolved device by which societies insure that the most important positions are conscientiously filled by the most qualified persons. Hence every society,no matter how simple or complex must posses a certain amount of institutionalized inequality (Coser ,1983). Further,the unequal distribution of power,prestige and wealth in society motivates individuals to aspire for significant jobs and to work hard and longer,leading to productivity in society. Because the significant jobs are limited,meritocracy is promoted in society. Meritocracy is simply the leadership by people based on quality abilities to do so,the term is derived from the word ‘merit’ which in this case is the quality of being particularly good at something and worth a social reward in terms of wealth ,power or,and prestige. Meritocracy implies excellence in the execution of services. The pursuit for meritocracy promotes equality in terms of opportunities and at the same time encourages inequality in rewards. For example,the zambian Ministry of Education only allows teachers with degrees to teach in high schools. As a result,teachers are compelled to advance their academic qualifications in order to be given a chance to work in such schools and for them to enjoy higher salaries. Because of this,pupils benefit quality education from highly qualified teachers. Societies that use meritocracy hold out rewards to develop the talents and encourage the efforts of everyone. In other words,a pure class system would be a meritocracy,rewarding everyone based on ability and efforts. Such societies would have extensive social mobility and varying social categories as individuals move up or down on the social ladder depending on their performance, (Ibid). Social stratification is necessary because it promotes a culture of corporation between people of the the same category. People tend to want to work together with those in the same position as them. For example,those who are underprivileged tend to work together in coming up with community initiatives for the betterment of their conditions (De Beer ,2000). While the functionalist perspective succeeds in explaining the importance of social stratification,several flaws are pointed out. Melvin (1953),argues that functional importance does not explain the high rewards certain people enjoy. Income and rewards seem to have little to do with functional contribution to society by the individual. For example,Hollywood actors earn millions more of dollars compared to Doctors and military personnel. Another critic is that it is impossible to say which social positions are more important than others. Which society would function better,the critics ask,one with no surgeons or one with no plumbers? Furthermore,it is quite possible that some unrewarded positions such as garbage collectors and ousewives contribute more to society than some highly rewarded positions like professional athletes and movie stars (Coser ,1983). Another critic is that,although societies reward individual achievements,it also allows families to transfer wealth and power from generation to generation. For example,the royal family in Swaziland ensures that its line of leadership is maintained by appointing only members of the royal family as supreme rulers of the nation. (Ibid) While functional theorists ar gue that inequality benefits the society as a whole,conflict theorists point out that it benefits some people more than others. According to this perspective, stratification exists because certain groups are able to exploit and dominate others through force or through traditional inherited privileges. Modern Marxists see classes as conflicting groups;rulers against ruled, haves against have nots. The conflict ideas depend heavily on the ideas of Marx and Weber. The dual contributed greatly to the study of social stratification. The scholars however had different views on social class and inequality. Karl Marx saw class as related to the means of production. Primarily,Marx viewed the structure of society in relation to major classes and the struggle between classes as the engine of change . According to Becker and Howard (1973:278),Marx defined class in terms of ownership of property, â€Å" ownership vests on a person with the power to exclude others from the property and use it for personal purposes. † In relation to property,there are two classes in society that Marx identified; the Bourgeoisie who own and control the means of production and the Proletariat who own labour and sell it to the bourgeoisie for a wage. According to Marx class is thus determined by property and not by income or status. Further,Marx saw the development of class conflict as confined to individual factories. Therefore,the maturing of capitalism,the growing disparity between life conditions of bourgeoisie and the proletariate as well as homogenization within each class, struggles become generalized across factories. Increasingly,class conflicts manifest at societal level. Hence, class consciousness is increased, common interests and policies are organized and the use of struggle for political power occurs. Classes become political forces. The distribution of political power is determined by power over production. Capital confers political power which the bourgeoisie use to legitimize and protect their acquired property and consequent social positions. The State business is that of the bourgeoisie. In other words, the state rule, power and its distribution are all in favor of the ruling class (Garfinkel and Harold,1967). Meanwhile, Marx Weber agreed with Karl Marx but added that social stratification is more complex and based on three factors that are inter-linked. These factors are;class which is a person’s economic position in society, based on birth and individual achievement. Weber differs from Marx in that he does not see this as the supreme factor in stratification. Weber noted how managers of corporations or industries control firms they do not own; Marx would have placed such a person in the proletariat. The other factor is status, this is a person’s prestige, social honor, or popularity in a society. Weber noted that political power was not rooted in capital value solely, but also in one’s individual status. Poets or saints, for example, can possess immense influence on society with often little economic worth. And lastly is the factor of power, which is a person’s ability to get their way despite the resistance of others. For example, individuals in state jobs, such as an employee of the Office of the President (O. P) or a Member of Parliament (M. P) may hold little property or status but they still hold immense power. Unlike Marx,Weber claimed there to be in fact four main classes: the upper class, the white collar workers, the petite bourgeoisie and the manual working class. Weber’s theory more-closely resembles modern western class structures. The conflict theory also takes a one-sided approach to stratification. One of its major shortcomings is that it fails to recognize that unequal rewards are based partially on differences in talent, skill and desire. Not everyone is suited for every social position in the social structure. Consequently,society must have some way to argue the proper individuals into positions that are vital to the smooth operation of society. In conclusion, this paper has critically discussed the extent to which social stratification is useful and inevitable in society. As is alluded by the functionalist theory and the Davis Moore thesis,it plays a vital part in the operation of society and as such has beneficial consequences as discussed. And as alluded by the conflict theory that it is not entirely beneficial to the society as a whole but provides advantages to some people at the expense of others,hence brings about exploitation and increase in inequality. Therefore,it can clearly be concluded that firstly social stratification is inevitable as it exists in every society and secondly that it is to some extent useful as well as not to another because it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How do family traditions and cultural legacies contribute to and/or inhibit an individuals self-identity? Essay

Are Test Scores a Good Indication of a School’s Competency? Ever studied for a test and still manage to receive a failing score? It happens to almost all of us. Schools may effectively or ineffectively design study material for a chapter, but to me it does not have a big effect of the overall resulting test scores. A high grade average depends on the students’ method of studying and comprehension, the way that the instructor teaches the material, and the way that the test it produced. On numerous occasions, students have reviewed specific test material and gained plenty of confidence for success, but failed with the most horrifying score of their life. On the other hand, some students may choose to cram as much as they can right before taking the test and excel. Every student has a different level of comprehension; some may learn faster than others, or be a different type of learner. Normally, students will be informed of an approaching test, this way each student know to more attentive during class time and while studying. The amount of tine that one has to prepare for an upcoming test varies. That length of time may be brief or extended. Because of the fact that every student is different, the time they may require to study effectively varies. I personally need about a week’s worth of study time to retain most of the appropriate information. Some may only need a few days. This can sometimes be a reflection of the way the material has been taught to a stud ent. For effective education retention, a study plan must be well-organized and taught thoroughly. Some instructors become lackadaisical causing the students to not be fully prepared for a final test while depending solely on that professor’s teachings. No matter how organized and thorough a lesson plan is designed, if the material is not taught right, the scores will not be right. Students should not depend only on the professor. They should combine what is taught to the with their own study method so that they can comprehend. A lot of times, students will believe that attending class and paying attention is enough which is false. They can be taught one way and be tested on it the subject in another form. Often times, students may say, â€Å"that had nothing to do with what I studied  all week for.† From my past experiences, I would study diligently for a test and find that the test asks questions that were not given examples of in the study material. That has to be one of the most frustrating things for a student. If schools were to have tests contain more of what was taught to the students, there would be a higher test grade scale. By this I mean that tests should ask similar questions that the homework asks or that were given in examples. I am sure that many can relate to a test asking questions that they have never seen. To sum it all up, the end result of a test depends on how much effort is put forth from the student, the student’s comprehension level, and the effectiveness of the instructor’s teaching method. There may be an A student who experiences test anxiety, this can cause low testing scores. There may be a student who cheats, of course, this mainly results in higher scores. There also may be a student who just happens to be a great test taker. Test scores are not a good indication of a schools competency.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Effect of Mandated Testing on Education Research Paper

Effect of Mandated Testing on Education - Research Paper Example The consequences or sanctions vary in level of severity, but the implication is clear. They send vivid indications that the method gives a crystal picture of the student’s performance. However, some of the implemented tests may not offer a fair platform to pass judgment on the teachers or students using their performance results. In that, the tests may not offer full and fair credibility on the performers or the tutors. The following paper will show an elaborate analysis of articles touching on mandated testing and its effect in schools. Susan Ohanian, in her article, â€Å"Constraining Elementary Teachers' Work: Dilemmas and Paradoxes Created by State Mandated Testing,† scrutinizes this mode of testing in an elaborate manner. In her work, Susan is keen to provide the resultant effects of mandate testing on the affected individuals, who are teachers and students. She argues that teachers are pressured to act in ways that seem unprofessional to them. In turn, this forms a leading disadvantage of the program in schools. Subsequently, the teachers believe that their behavior will not yield fruits of success in the affected students. Moreover, they feel that they are acting in unprofessional ways as mandated testing seem to focus on Mathematics and English language arts more than the science-related disciplines (Ohanian, web). In addition, according to Susan’s article, the teachers do feel that the test pressure them to work the things the tests demands of the students instead of improving the student’s general performance. In relation to this, when the mandated test turns to asking the student for something previously not familiarized to the student, need to refocus ruptures. There is a need to refocus on things to feed the students’ minds, as the mandated tests requires. However, the article claim a more pressing matter is forcing the teachers to lose their professionalism. The teachers find themselves between helping the studen ts in elementary school and being loyal to their professional field. They feel that their professional training does not concur with the requirements of the mandated test. In order for a student to succeed in the mandated tests the teachers, have to comply with the requirements, which they feel they are not in line with their professional understanding of the curriculum. In turn, they end up ignoring their professional feelings and instead assist the students conform to the requirements of the mandated tests. On the other hand, within the same article, Susan reports of teachers who embraced the ideology of mandated tests and their effects. The teachers believe that the tests offer a comprehensive way of developing the writing, listening and reading skills of students. Moreover, these tests enable students to develop their thinking from a lower level to higher one. Within yet another article, by GreatSchools’ Staff, they record of reasons behind the tests from federal and stat e governments. They believe that the government offers these tests as a way of ensuring all students meet the standard level of the expected grades. As a way of encouraging students to pass in their tests, the government introduced mandated tests. In addition, they publish the results of the mandated tests giving everyone, including teachers, parents and students, an opportunity to view them and contemplate on the way

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

TD 3 MGT- 412 Discipline, Suspension and Termination Essay

TD 3 MGT- 412 Discipline, Suspension and Termination - Essay Example According to the writer, issues of discipline and termination should be handled according to the organizations rules and regulations. The process should be handled fairly to avoid the risk of the employee seeking legal action. Whitlock states that for an organization to successfully terminate or punish employees, they should follow the RIP approach or the GOOF method (Whitlock, 2010). The RIP approach requires that the employer should communicate rules and policies clearly, ensure that the rules/policies are well understood, and ensure that punishment is consistent with all similar indiscipline cases. By following this procedure, all the employees will be aware of the rules and little complain about discipline will be heard. The GOOF approach requires the employer to follow four steps before punishing or terminating an employee. The first step is to show that there are goals or expectations were known to the employee. The second step is showing evidence to prove that the set goals were not met. The third step is showing proof that the employee was given an opportunity to improve. The final step is swing proof that the employee still did not meet the expectation despite being given the opportunity to improve. Whitlock says that by following these steps, employees will feel that they are fairly treated, and no complaints will arise after punishment or termination ( Whitlock, 2010). Rosenfeld’s article discusses the methods of dealing with termination issues in a way that the company does not suffer in future. Larry says that the employer should device logical rules and ensures that they are well established and enforced. According to the article, rules should be communicated to the employees before they begin being implemented (Rosenfeld, 2014). The employees should be conversant with the punitive actions following breaking of the rules. In case an

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management of innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management of innovation - Essay Example Just like any real property, the intellectual property can also be sold. Additionally, intellectual property is owned by the person or persons that came up with the concept or ideas first. The reason why the intellectual property is bound by law is to exclude other people from using the intellectual property at hand without the owner’s consent, or depending on the law, the owner may protect against anybody using their ideas for financial purposes. This paper will discuss whether the intellectual property protection is beneficial, or whether it is a hindrance to innovation. The intellectual effort of an individual should be protected against abuse by other people or organizations. Protection acts as an incentive to the innovator, and inspires them to continue with their original work, and this improves the living standards of the innovator, and consequently propels the economic development of any nation (Ahearn 2012, p. 45). Intellectual property is very important to capitalists because this helps companies to become unique and very competitive as well as enhancing the economic growth, of the innovator, the investor and the entire nation (Bernstein 2010, p. 72). Intellectual property plays a very important role in the economic development and stability of states and nations. Most individual innovators and companies rely on the legal protection of their intelligent quality products for financial growth and constancy. Intellectual property plays a major role in the employment sector, with known intelligent quality companies creating jobs to millions of young innovators across the world (Sichelman 2010, p 347). Studies have shown that the employees in the intelligent property companies earn 30% more compared to their counterparts in other companies therefore creating a financial stability and satisfaction (Puric, Puric, & Vlaskovic 2013, p.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discusstion 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discusstion 8 - Essay Example ential risk for an Autism Spectrum Disorder and the public measures that could assist in the identification of the people at risk, plan health programs and implement preventative measures. Essentially, evaluating environmental factors in concern to risks of autism requires a depth analysis of human and animal aspects, exposures, medical procedures and alimentary influences (Autism Response Team, 2014). Many of the studies base on exploring the relations between disclosures and body encumbrance approximations and autistic consequences; however, neurological progress of humans and animals is also a considerable factor. Largely, exposure to environmental chemicals is a common risk for a number of autism spectrum disorders that have adverse effects that cause variations in the growth of the neurological system and other parts of the human body and normal function. Many learning and development incapacities in humans result from environmental agents and chemicals such as pesticides, solvents, mercury, ethers among others; moreover, they have a straight effect on the evolving nerves of the human system leading to autism and other related disorders. All the same, these agents do not solely cause the autism spectrum disorders but combine with other environmental factors; though, these factors have minimal impact. Furthermore, research shows that even while combined, the chemicals alone do not cause the related effects. Genes also act as a major determinant for the environmental chemicals’ effects especially because of their variations; typically, some of the people exposed to these chemicals have an increased risk to autism than others (Rodriguez 2014). Triggers to autism vary with the state of an environment and individual factors such as the genes hence creating ample challenges on utterly establishing the core causes. Identification, reduction and prevention of a risk are usually the basis of almost every medical risk factor research. Assertively, implementation

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nordic Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nordic Mythology - Essay Example That is not to say that the story of Beowulf and his appointment with Grendel is utterly lacking in cinematic potential, but rather that the bare bones of the story is perhaps too sparse for a filmmaker without exceptional talent to exploit. Even so, Beowulf is epic in scope and is perhaps unparalleled in treating universal themes ranging from heroism to envy, so why then did a somewhat recent film take its title and story only to execute the art of filmmaking in such a way that it bears almost no resemblance to its source material The 1999 film Beowulf differs most obviously from its source in setting. In fact, the setting seems closer to a post-apocalyptic world than a pre-modern one. Despite the fact that the movie clearly takes place in some vague and nebulous future, however, it also harkens backward in time and on occasion does seem to be a weird amalgam of the past and the future combined together to create some kind of bizarre present. For instance, King Hrothgar still lords over a medieval-type outpost, only now he has the benefit of some elements of advanced civilization at his disposal. The opening sequence of this version of the story presents a backstory that eventually centers on the fact that Hrothgar's kingdom, if you will, is currently the focus of attacks from some kind of reptilian beast and Hrothgar is helpless to put an end to the carnage. The film succeeds in showing that the basic core of any timeless mythological tale can be transplanted forward in time with very little difficulty. The great magic of mythology is that it isn't tied to time, but is sinuous enough in story and large enough in scope to easily cross the boundaries of not only time but also ethnic and racial divides. Beowulf may belong to the Norse mythological canon, but this film proves that its themes are widespread and can easily be adapted. The idea of the evil opponent being vanquished by the lone hero and saving the village has not only been translated forward in time with a still recognizable Grendel, but an argument could also be made that it forms the backbone of the classic weste rn Shane in which Alan Ladd plays a Beowulf-like character who arrives to kill the Grendelesque Jack Palance. Where this film version takes a risk that pays off is in the notion that the people are suffering from a curse because of the Grendel family. This idea is very much in line with the sense of patriotism and it even offers up a stopgap one of the nagging questions that the original poems leaves unanswered: why doesn't King Hrothgar leave Hereot rather than subject his people to the torture of Grendel's unceasing appetite for human flesh for twelve long years. The movie answers this nagging conundrum with the device of a siege line that ensnares the inhabitants within their outpost as a result of this curse. At the same time, the movement of the plot into the kind of nihilistic future that has become so predictable it threatens to become a clich is not a particularly good choice. In doing this the movie sacrifices the claims to patriotism and honor that makes Beowulf so memorable. The poem depict a community in which things like honor and heritage are essential to the very idea of bein g a warrior and the deaths they suffer at the fate of Grendel retain the glory of giving themselves over to an enemy in the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

General Movie Tourism in New York Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

General Movie Tourism in New York - Essay Example New York City has a large number of tourist attractions that serves close to 54 million foreigners as well as American nationals in each year. Some of the major tourist attraction sites include Ellis Island, Empire State Building Metropolitan Museum of Art, Broadway Theatre Productions, Statue of Liberty Rockefeller Center, Times Square, Coney Island, and Barclays Center among others. The tourists also visit the many TV scenes recording places as well as movie centers. Some of the TV shows and movies acted in New York include Taxi Driver, Sex and the City, Friends, Seinfeld among others. Many movie theatres are visited by tourists who consider them as huge attraction sources. However, despite all these major tourist attraction sites and destinations, movie tourism that forms part of them has not been fully exploited. The paper, therefore, seeks to explain how movie tourism can be developed as the leading tourists’ attraction points in the city of New York. This topic is of gre at importance to because it sought to address a key component of the American economy which is tourism. My deep interest in this topic stems from the inner desire to express the role that movie tourism which many people know little about has impacted positively on tourism. Research methods to be used for the purpose of this study include both qualitative and quantitative research methods and a total of 50 people are to be interviewed. I will be able to speak to these people and I am allowed to speak to them.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Risk management process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk management process - Essay Example This paper gives a critical analysis of a diagrammatic representation of the steps of risk management. This is achieved in conjunction with a detailed evaluation of the journal article â€Å"Understanding Risk Management in Small 7 Steps† (Mazareanu, 2011). Figure 1 below presents the 6 major steps in risk management. Nonetheless the article â€Å"Understanding Risk Management in Small 7 Steps† breaks down the steps of risk management process into seven small steps. It is however notable that the journal article describes the major areas in risk management sufficiently in scope (Mazareanu, 2011). In accordance to Fig 1 above, the process of risk management begins with the assessment of risk. Mazareanu (2011), in the journal article, describes this stage as the assessment of vulnerabilities. Nonetheless this translates to the same meaning. Therefore the risk management process begins with the assessment of both internal and external factors which makes individuals or organizations vulnerable to risk. In the assessment of risk, it is necessary to consider the assets that are at stake and the level of vulnerability that they are exposed to incase of a disaster, accident or failure (Burnaby & Hass, 2009). The diagram shows that after the assessment of risk, the process of risk management is followed by the development of goals and objectives of the management process. These goals and objectives acts as a roadmap against which the processes of risk management are measured (LAbbate, 2008). Fig 1 illustrates various considerations in the design of objectives and goals of the risk management process. Firstly, policy issues must be considered because they have a direct effect on the implementation of the risk management processes and project. Secondly, the standards for cleanup are designed. These are the guidelines which limit the extent to which risks are

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Business organisations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business organisations - Assignment Example The scientific perspective may be better known, as it starts with Taylor and the foundation of the scientific methods. This paper will give an overview of the classical (management) era by discussing the scientific and administrative perspectives, the theorists behind each perspective, and the relevance of the classical management methods. Management practices may go back as far as the planning, controlling, directing, and building of the ancient pyramids (Wren and Bedeian, 2009). Starting with the late 19th and early 20th century management theorists who began their work during the Industrial Revolution, the major theorists of scientific (management) perspective believed there is one best way to do everything – and that is the most efficient way. Those theorists believed they could determine that method via whatever means they were using or purported was the best method to study the task. Those theorists of the scientific perspective discussed first are F. W. Taylor, H. L. Ga ntt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Hugo Munsterberg. The Scientific Perspective Frederick W. Taylor’s philosophy led the way for many others in using scientific and mathematical methods applied to workers, attempting to match a person’s abilities to a job in the best way possible, instituting a mutual self-interest mind-set that had never existed and improving employee productivity through incentives (Locke 1982; Wren and Bedeian 2009). Crain (2003) says that Taylor was noted for his scientific approach, his ability to solve problems, and his ability to invent things. His thought was that by being observed and measured the worker increased productivity. In one example, the test subject significantly increased production while receiving more in pay. Taylor’s management philosophy is built on the manager finding the facts, conducting research, and following tradition rather than relying on guesswork and personal opinion or hearsay (Locke, 1982). Chadha (2008) be lieves that Scientific Management is a form of systems thinking integrated with a worker and the work. Taylor was best known for using a stopwatch to time the workers pace to complete a task, but he believed that money is what the workers craved and they were determined to get it. He believed that ultimately improving efficiency improved society. Hodgetts (1995) analyzed ten organizations against Taylor’s principles and found that each organization utilized the principles in some way to stay focused on their quality management strategy. (Williams 2000) Taylor’s four principles summarized are: 1. Develop a science for each part of a person’s work, replacing a rule of thumb method. 2. Scientifically pick and train employees rather than allow employees to arrive and work as they wish. 3. Cooperate with employees to ensure work is done according to scientific guidelines. 4. Divide work as equally as possible. Allow management time to oversee the work of the employee s and shoulder the responsibility of holding others accountable. Henry Laurence Gantt worked closely with F. W. Taylor. Gantt brought a human quality into the scientific side of Taylor’s work. Gantt developed a bonus pay structure for the employee who completed their piece rate work for the day and was able to complete more than the assigned tasks. With Gantt’s methods of the use of incentives for employees production was significantly increased (Wren and Bedeian 2009). Frank Gilbreth used time motion studies where Taylor used a stop watch and was using only time

Biochemistry and Technology Essay Example for Free

Biochemistry and Technology Essay What specific topic did you choose to research and evaluate? (2 points) -I chose genetic engineering/recombinant DNA technology/transgenesis of biotechnology to research and evaluate because that interests me the most, personally. List the resources that you used in your research of your topic. (3 points) I used sites such as,, and Describe, in a few paragraphs, the biotechnology that you researched. How is it currently being used and/or what are the hopes for its use in the future? (10 points) -Genetic engineering is an area in biotechnology that induces cell alterations in any kind of organism. It is based on artificial manipulation and transfer of genetic material from one organism to another. Basically the cells coded in with the new genetic information will pass those selected traits on to their offspring. Genetic combinations might be useful but not often found in nature. Genetic engineering now a days, is used in medicine to produce insulin and growth hormones, for those who lack it. The genes in humans are isolated using enzymes produced by bacteria which cleave DNA at specific base pairs, and then inserted into a a virus. The virus then is inserted into the bacteria DNA, ten the bacteria produces the hormones, which are then collected and given to patients who most need them. The hope for genetic engineering is soon a cure can be found for diseases by either inserting a corrected gene or even performing a genetic surgery. Currently many pregnant women like to have the fetuses screened for genetic defects so it can allow them and there physician to prepare for the arrival of the child who may need to have special needs. Describe the positive aspects of this biotechnology, being as specific as possible. (5 points) -One possible benefit for genetic engineering is is that with gene therapy, a fetus a genetic defect could be treated and even cured before it is born. Specific traits or characteristics can be inserted in a species, for example pest resistant genes inserted into crops to enable more crops to be harvested. Artificially produce vital hormones or proteins that are essential by inserting the coding genes into bacteria cells.†¨ Describe the negative aspects of this biotechnology, being as specific as possible. (5 points) -Genetic pollution occurs where the artificially produced species reproduce at a higher rate compared to the wild species present and cause extinction. Species that are produced have side effects such as a short life span, prone to diseases and mutations and physical defects. Expensive and advance technologies need to produce and maintain genetically engineered species. Hybrid species created may harbor new statins of diseases or viruses that is produced from the altered genes. Based on your research, what is your conclusion about whether or not this biotechnology should be used? Be sure to explain your answer. (5 points) In my opinion, I think biotechnology can benefit us all in a lot of different ways, but only if we use it right and only if we are really in need of it. For example, I think genetic engineering could help actually save a lot of lives and troubles that one might have when born. If treated right, a disease or disorder can be cured before one is born.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Impacts of the Anthropocene Geological Era

Impacts of the Anthropocene Geological Era Alexandra Pearson Geography – The Anthropocene Throughout history, geological time periods have been given names to depict certain events. These time periods are named as eras, and the current geological era is known as the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is defined as the â€Å"era of man†. This era is linked to drastic environmental changes that have taken place over hundreds of years due to human activity and the increase of industrialisation and technology. Humans have changed the global environment of the earth and the effect of human impact on the earth continues to increase during this Anthropocene era. The geological era, the Anthropocene is used to describe the time human activities have impacted the global environment of the earth, it also describes how human societies have become a worldwide geophysical force (Steffen et al, 2007). The earth has gone through drastic environmental changes in the last few hundred years; this is due to human activities that have created an increasing impact on the global environment (Crutzen, 2006). Over the last three centuries, the human population and the rate of urbanisation has dramatically increased (McNiell, 2000 cited in Crutzen, 2006). The Anthropocene began approximately in the 1800s, with the introduction of industrialisation and the increased use of fossil fuels (Steffen et al, 2007). Many scientists believe that the influence of humans on the environment began towards the end of the Pleistocene era as many of the so called â€Å"megafauna† had disappeared due to the arrival of modern humans. By the 1800s, industrialisation, deforestation, agriculture and the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had increased rapidly, and the environment began to change before the industrial revolution (Zalasiewicz et al, 2011). Scientists argue that the start of the Anthropocene era began when the Industrial Revolution took place. During the late 1700s and the early 1800s, there was a rapid increase in the usage of machinery and different industrial inventions. This was known as the Industrial Revolution, and it was the first human influence on the environmental change (Zalasiewicz et al, 2008). Many scientists believe that the Anthropocene geological era had began when the environment because of the worldwide environmental effects of the rapid increase in the human population and the development of economy (Zalasiewicz et al, 2008). The industrial revolution had caused the global environment to change significantly, carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere had increased rapidly and it was the beginning of the influence of humans on the environment. Ever since the introduction of industrial machinery in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the global environment has changed significantly. There has been a rapid increase in the human population, an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and an increase in greenhouse gases. The increase in greenhouse gas concentration has had to have serious impacts on the environment, the concentration has increased over hundreds of years, and is continuing to increase and it has lead to a number of possible extinctions of species in areas that are sensitive to climate change (Hughes, 2000). The increase of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have caused a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer, the ozone layer’s function is to create a protective layer from the intense heat radiation from the sun around the earth. The greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide are a result in the increasing use of technology, the increasing use of machinery and the increasing use of using non renewable resources such as fossil fuels. With the decreased thickness of this layer, more of the heat radiation from the sun penetrates the earth and causes global temperature increase (Hartmann et al, 1999). According to McCarty (2002), the earth’s climate has increased by 0.5 degrees over the past one hundred years. This temperature increase can result in major global consequences; it has already lead to polar ice sheets melting and has lead to the extinction and high possibility of extinction of species that live in sensitive environments such as polar bea rs. Additional threats will appear as the climate continues to change and as the temperature continues to increase. As the human population increases, the availability of natural resources and non – renewable resources decreases. Overuse of these resources has resulted in a depletion of renewable resources (Pearce, 1988). As a result, in many developing countries, the resources have become scarce and have caused many problems globally. Due to human activities, in some countries the water and other habitats have been polluted by acid mine drainage. According to Johnson and Hallberg (2005), acid mine drainage causes environmental pollution in countries that have mining industries. Humans have had major influences on the climate change during the current geological era, the Anthropocene. As the human population, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and temperature continues to increase, the global environmental climate will continue to change. Ice caps sheets will continue to rise as the ozone layer becomes thinner and sea levels will continue to rise, resulting in a massive loss in coastal regions, lives and species that live in the areas that are sensitive to climate change. During this geological era or epochs, most of the environmental change has been caused by some type of human activity whether it is mining, increases in industrialisation or by increased urbanisation. The introduction of modern humans and industrialisation has caused major environmental changes that are difficult to change or reverse. To slow down the rapid global environmental and climate change, the use of renewable and non – renewable resources would have to be distributed evenly, the rate at which the human population is increasing would have to decrease and the amount of energy and fossil fuels used would also have to be decreased. If humans do not change the way that they distribute resources or control how much carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere, the global environment and climate will continue to decline and further complications will appear. Therefore, the Anthropocene geological era is dominated by humans and the major environmental changes that have occurred in this era or epochs have mainly been caused by human activity such as mining, urbanisation or industrialisation. The Anthropocene era and the human activities that have taken place during this era are directly linked to the global environmental change that is seen in the world. Humans are the main cause for most of the major environmental and climate change during this era. References Crutzen, P.J. (2006). The â€Å"Anthropocene†, Earth System Science in the Anthropocene, 13-18. Hartmann, D.L., Wallace, J.M., Limpasuvan, V., Thompson, D.W.J., Holton, J.R. (1999). Can ozone depletion and global warming interact to produce rapid climate change?, Cross Mark: 97(4), 1412- 1417. Hughes, L. (2000). Biological Consequences of Global Warming: is the signal already apparent?, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15 (2): 56 -61. Johnson, D.B., Hallberg, K.B. (2005). Acid Mine Drainage Remediation Options: a review, Science of the total environment, Elsevier: 338 (1-2): 3-14 McCarty, J.P. (2002). Ecological Consequences of Recent Climate Change, Conversation Biology: 15(2), 320 – 331. Pearce, D. (1988). The Sustainable use of natural resources in developing countries, Sustainable Environmental Management: Principles and Practice: 102- 117 Steffen, W., Crutzen, P. J., McNeill, J.R. (2007). The Anthropocene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming The Great Forces Of Nature, AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 36 (8): 614-621. Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Haywood, A., Ellis, M. (2011). The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time?, Philosophical Transactions: The Royal Society Publishing. Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Smith, A., Barry, T.L., Coe, A. L., Brown, P.R., Brenchley, P., Cantrill, D., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, F. J., Hounslow, M. W., Kerr, A.C., Pearson, P., Knox, R. Powell, J., Waters, C., Marshall, J., Oates, M., Rawson,P. And Stone, P. (2008). Are we now living in the Anthropocene?, GSA Today, 18 (2): 4-8.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis Of Brave New World English Literature Essay

Analysis Of Brave New World English Literature Essay Imagine a futuristic society where natural birth is obsolete and children are decanted from test tubes. A society based on a prejudiced and strict caste system: where Alphas rule and Epsilons are purposely given alcohol during their gestation period to inhibit their growth and intelligence. Where sexual promiscuity is accepted and encouraged, while those who practice monogamy and have deeps feelings for only one individual are ostracized. As Lenina aptly summarizes, everybody belongs to every one else and no one belongs to themselves (Huxley, 121). This horrifying dystopia is the setting of Aldous Huxleys new age novel, Brave New World, where the main protagonists, Bernard Marx and John the Savage, defy social norm for a chance of freedom. Published in 1932, Huxleys novel satirizes issues not only present in the 30s but in todays modern society as well. Inequality among people and technologys hold on the masses are brought to light within the novel. However comical some sections seem to be at first, Huxleys original purpose was to draw light in how easy governments could control their the masses through psychological means while the public themselves are left ignorant or fully accept it just as in Brave New World. Although the people of this controlled society seem genuinely content with their lives, its due more to their ignorance and their soma than true happiness. Throughout the novel, Brave New World, the unifying idea that truth and happiness cannot coexists is prevalent; in order to achieve one, the other must be sacrificed. SCHOLARLY ARTICLE A critical look into the eyes of a critic can give in-depth analysis on a topic for which a reader might overlook. An article in Aldous Huxleys web site gives a very comprehensive investigation on Brave New World that breaks down and guesstimates the purpose of soma and its functionality. As the critic states, Huxley was writing a satirical piece of fiction, not scientific prophecy. Soma, viewed from scientific reality could be possible, but mostly have dangerous side effects and most unlikely to be approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is something akin to drugs or alcohol, without the unfavorable side-effects. However, according to the article, taken in excess, soma acts as a respiratory depressant making more of an opiate than a sort of clinically valuable mood-brightener. It is what separates false happiness from the harsh realities the infantile people of Huxleys dystopia are not accustomed to. The basis of the government depicted in Brave New World is centered around control and manipulation, making soma a very useful tool in silencing rebellious thoughts by placating the minds of the public. On the other hand, those who do not find happiness are exiled into secluded islands where they cannot disrupt or infect the minds of others. This in itself gives proof that soma is not all effective to all populations, all the time. People like Bernard, though feels the instant gratification that soma brings, finds he cannot keep it as others could. The article gives a very insightful look into the mystery drug and debunks any misconception that could arise from lack of understanding within the novel. STYLE THEME The weapon of choice for the World Controllers is not nuclear bombs nor weaponry, but an artificial drug, soma. Instilling fear and intimidation could only go so far and may cause resentment and dangerous thoughts of rebellion in the oppressed. However, subconscious conditioning and mind-altering drugs could produce the same effects, without the dangerous thoughts. In addition to genetic engineering, the soma drug is perhaps the most powerful weapon the World Controllers have in their arsenal. With these two, any problems before Ford have been permanently eradicated from the minds of the everyday people. In the name of stability and happiness, as Mustapha Mond, one of Huxleys World Controllers states, the freedom of truth is sacrificed (Huxley, 225). Almost all of Huxleys characters, with the exception of the main protagonists Bernard and John, are content with having their soma, vicariously living through feelies, and living their mundane and ignorant lives never wanting more than what is given to them. Mond erroneously associates the lack of pain with genuine happiness. It seems only John the Savage understands that true joy is a result of knowing ones own self-worth and finding inner-satisfaction. John was filled with an intense, absorbing happiness after investing hard work into a clay sculpture he made with his own hands (Huxley, 134). He alone out of everyone else in civilized Britain could give testimony to feeling true happiness, and not the artificial one induced by the soma drug, because he is the only one who worked hard because he wanted to, and not because he was condit ioned to do so. POEM The concept of a futuristic dystopian society is popular through many works of prose. For example, Philena Pughs poem Fragments for the Gates of Times Square: the Fear of Neon, deals with a character who perceives himself to be the last of his kind. This mirrors Huxleys own character, John as well as drawing other parallels. Silence lies underneath the crackle and hum of the neon lights. The puddle near my feet glistens crimson reflecting the words Restaurant and Lounge. A tribute to our pick up/take out society. Above buildings crowd out the sky leaving a jailcell window  to see the stars through. My footsteps echo throughout the world and I realize that I am the last. My breathing grows labored- sending out a sharp, rasping sound to compete with the sputter-buzz conversation on the neon. My dim, twilight eyes srift shut and my final breath gurgles the dark phlegm of fear  in the back of my throat. With the hollow thump  of cranium meeting pavement, humanity is gone. And the neon lights burn brightly into eternity- crackling in time  to the winking stars. The narrator of Pughs poem and Huxleys John find themselves the last of their kind, with the narrator the last human, while John is the only one naturally conceived with civilized parents. They both find great tragedy in the world around them, feeling trapped and alone by what society becomes in their respective worlds. The two works of prose focuses on the struggle between man and the society he is a part of and their failure to adapt or to conform leads to their demise. Driven to madness by the horror of moral-less society around him, John cried out to God and covered his eyes with his hands (Huxley, 259), drawing parallelism, the narrator of the poem is met with the same fate with the hollow thump of cranium meeting pavement, humanity is gone(Pugh). The setting of both works is in a dystopia that puts an emphasis on the consumption of goods verses the freedom of nature. Juxtaposing Pughs society in which buildings crowd out the sky leaving a jailcell window to see the stars with t he buildings themselves are made as a tribute to [their] pick up/take out society, and Huxleys World-Controlled civilized society condition the masses to hate the country but at the same time, condition them to love country sports; one can see the similarities between the two dystopian societies. (Huxley, 23). These works built a society that ensures the consumption of goods and/or transportation and the technology that drives it.

Monday, August 19, 2019

anger management Essay -- essays research papers

Anger Management Anger Management Education, founded in 1994, provided education and psychotherapy to individuals to help make sense of and manage anger in their everyday lives (Anger Management 1). Anger remains a healthy emotion when expressed appropriately, although devastating effects may still exist. Anger lies at the root of many personal and social problems, such as child abuse, domestic and community violence, physical and verbal abuse. Anger also affects our physical health, by contributing to headaches, migraines, severe gastrointestinal symptoms, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Many of us do not have the knowledge or abilities required to express our anger as a healthy emotion. As a result, some of us store and suppress our anger, while others may express it, but in negative and unhealthy ways. Doctors knew for a long time that adults who dealt with anger poorly, stand a higher chance to develop heart disease and high blood pressure problems (Leopold 2). About 20 percent of us express angry personalities, 20 percent fairly easygoing, and the remaining 60 percent of the population fall somewhere in the middle (Foltz-Gray 132). Harvard researchers found that those with higher levels of anger stood at an increased risk of heart attack (133). In a study published in Health Psychology in 1999, heart-attack patients in Canada who received anger management training made significant reduction in blood pressure levels and needed less follow up care compared w...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana E

The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant when taken to induce euphoria. Marijuana has been in existence for centuries even Magellan spoke of it during his trip to India. In his log he spoke of a plant that you smoked that made a man drunk without drinking. Marijuana would be beneficial if legalized because it would bring in extra money, it has medical uses, hemp is one of the best materials in the world and on average it is healthier for you then beer or liquor. The old cash crop of the Americas was tobacco in today's world it is marijuana. More marijuana is transported into and out of this country at a higher rate then tobacco. As of last year there were 1,147,591 of seized marijuana by the United States Coast Guard. If the average price of a pound of marijuana were only fifteen hundred dollars that would put the price at 1,721,386,500 when the GNP (Gross National Product) for year two thousand is projected at 17 billion. If marijuana were actually a taxed good at the normal rate of five percent that would put the price up to 1,807,455,825 it would take the price up a total of one hundred million dollars. Not only would the legalization bring in more then nine percent of the GNP. It would take the amount of drug dealing and money laundering due to dealing down. With this decrease in crime the money spent on police could be put to better use. The police could spend more time in trying to solve crimes such as murders or theft. Though in another area there would have to be a specific police unit to deal with these new stores. The insurance rate would also be astronomically high due to break-ins and the cost of the merchandise ... is just the sale of smoked marijuana. The sale of hemp wasn't calculated into it that it would just bring up the tax money and possibly take its percentage of GDP up to fifteen or at the most eighteen percent. Medicinal uses of it outweigh by far the supposed cancers it produces. If given the chance marijuana could be the next penicillin a miracle drug curing sicknesses never thought to be curable. Marijuana the so-called gateway drug the highly addictive drug, this was all a lie. Its been shown that marijuana is not even as addictive as caffeine or chocolate. Cigarettes cause twice as many cancers as marijuana and marijuana's non-smoked form causes no cancers while chew cigarettes non-smoking form causes several oral cancers. If these reasons are enough for you to reconsider your view on marijuana laws please visit and see what the truth is.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Crime and Social Issues Essay

Many crime problems in my area which are creating difficulties for peoples day by day. I have seen many crimes have been done in my area. * Snatching * Drugs dealing * Shop lifting * Stabbing * Gang fighting * Theft and robbed * The area where I live is ok; I have been robbed for my money a couple of times – nothing too bad. But my friends live in a really bad estate. There’s always stuff going on there. People are shot and stabbed all the time. * It all starts with people getting rude with each other. One person is rude to someone else, and then the victim goes and gets their gang for revenge. Sometimes it’s just two gangs fighting and punching each other. But on this estate, it’s nearly always killing. Guns and knives are everywhere. * It’s always worse when the gang hires someone else to do the killing. They only give a description of the person they want taken care of. So the hit man hasn’t even seen the guy he’s going to shoot before. Sometimes they shoot the wrong person. Then, if the person who was killed by mistake was in a gang, their gang goes and gets revenge. So it never ends. * I’m most worried about knife crime, because you can get knives anywhere – from the kitchen, shops and people from round the estates. My friend’s big brother was stabbed in the chest with a knife, because he was involved in some bad stuff. * In my school it’s not so bad because they check us for weapons. The only weapons we’re allowed are compasses. * I’m not so afraid of gangs, because they don’t have a reason to go after me. But my friends Dad got involved in drugs. Now he’s got some gangs after him because of some trouble that happened. * When I visit my mates on the estate, I feel more protected than afraid, because I know my friends and their brothers are looking out for me. People there recognise me now, so I know even the drug dealers would look after me on their patches. They know I’m not causing any trouble. But I’d be very; very afraid for my life there if no-one was looking out for me. Snatching: About 10 houses in front of me was this young lady walking by a car parked along the grass patch outside one of the terrace houses. As she was reaching the rear end of this clean decent looking Silver Proton Waja, I noticed the engine started and the left rear passenger doors window was being wound down. Suddenly a man emerged out of the rear passenger doors window his entire torso! And making a grab of this ladies handbag!!!! As this man emerged from the cars window, the Silver Proton Waja was pulling out of its parking position slowly not in a hurry with the man from within just dragging the lady and her handbag along until she gave it up!! Then they drove off slowly no hurry!!! Conclusion: My report about crime problem in my area which I have describe in my report, we should do safety every time and inform to police about any crime or suspicious activities in area or any surrounding area.

Initial Public Offerings Paper Essay

When an organization goes global many outside factors can help the organization as well as work against it. There are many risks that are involved when dealing with foreign exchanges and an organization must understand how to deal with those risks and issues that may arise. Making public offerings presents risks as well and this is where those closest to the organization help protect and maintain the organizations image. The following paper will cover and address the issues and risks involved with an organization becoming a global firm as well as ways to mitigate any issues that may present themselves during the duration of the company’s transition. Role of Investment Banker and Underwriter One of the primary ways to raise capital for a company is the sale of stocks and bonds. Special expertise is required when executing these transactions, which is done in a way that will exploit income to directing regulatory necessities when assessing implements. At this point is when an investment bank typically comes into play. Large enterprises and the investors are the investments banks bridges. Their primary goals are to instruct organizations and governments on how to see their business challenges are and how to support them. The role of underwriters typically obtains underwriting fees from their issuing clients. Underwriters also gain revenues by marketing underwritten dividends to venture capitalists. Underwriters may take responsibility for issuing a safety issue to the community. Role of Originating House and Syndicate When a company is preparing for an initial public offering, it must go through an originating house or a syndicate. The originating house is an investment or brokerage firm that manages the underwriting and sale of a new  issue of stock to the general public. When the negotiation of an underwriting involves more than one firm, a syndicate is formed to handle the process. A syndicate is created when several brokerage firms come together to complete the underwriting process and manage the sale of the new securities. Both the originating house and a syndicate will first buy the new securities and then resell them to the public. These two entities play a crucial role in an initial public offering. Explanation of Pricing Issue Issuing securities is a positive way to gain capital for an organization. The first issuance of a security is priced carefully to maximize the amount of capital an organization will receive as well as entice investors to purchase the securities. New securities issued are typically sold through a brokerage firm connecting the organization with investors. If the issue is priced too high, the firm cannot sell the issues tying up their capital. If the issues are priced too low investors will purchase them very quickly causing the price to jump; this is good for the investors but bad for the original organization (Mayo, 2012). Risks Involved in an Initial Public Offering There are risks associated with any expansion a company may go through. An initial public offering can be a risk because there is no guarantee of what this stock will do on the first day. The stock may sell quickly, or the stock may not sell at all. Many people are not comfortable with initial public offerings because there is no historical data on the company, and this makes their decision on purchasing the stock difficult. Those investing in the company want to be sure they will receive a return on their investment and without proper documentation to back this up they may not be willing to make those initial purchases. The private investors in the firm will also lose some control of the organization because now outsiders gain voting control over the firm. The risk of this decision is the other company may resist the takeover. This means there is a risk of a costly takeover battle. . Foreign Exchange Risks When an organization decides that it wants to reach out into the global market, there are some risks that should be analyzed before moving on. An organization is at risk when it comes to foreign exchange due to the  different currency that is involved with each country that the company expands to. â€Å"Foreign exchange risk occurs when the value of the investment fluctuates due to changes in a currency’s exchange rate.† (Sargeant, 2015). When the currency in the domestic market appreciates against the currency in a foreign market, the profits earned in that foreign market or country will be lower because it has been changed back to the currency in the domestic market where the organization is based. In this type of situation, the organization will face times in which revenues will go up as well as come down. Even though the revenues from expanding into a global market may fluctuate, there are still advantages that an organization can use to the companies advantage. Conclusion An initial public offering can be a difficult and complicated process for a company. There are many roles and players involved in the process such as the investment banker, underwriter, originating house, and syndicate. Also, there may be many risks involved for both the company and the players. It may take time to make money off the stock, and there could be an initial debt for both the company and those involved. Currency exchange rates can affect the stock causing a fluctuation in price. The process of an initial public offering can be a difficult and complicated process, but the benefits are significant and may outweigh the costs and risks of the process. References Mayo, H.B. (2012). Basic finance. An introduction to financial institutions, investments, and management (10th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sargeant, Nicola (2015) â€Å"What Risks Do Organizations Face When Engaging In International Finance Activities?

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mongols in the Middle East

The Mongols were raiders, clan warriors, and rulers of a transcontinental empire in the thirteen century.   Also referred to as the Tatars and barbarians, they conquered Persia before moving on to Europe with the Khan of Khans, Genghis Khan as their most important leader.   Eventually the Mongols made an empire for themselves which is known as the largest contiguous empire in world history. In Europe, the Mongols first attacked Hungary in the year 1241.   They smashed all military opposition in Poland and the Balkans before regrouping to push west.   The Mongol invasion of all Europe could have been completed in the course of a year.   However, an unexpected message arrived to call back all Mongols to Genghis Khan.   Europe was partly delivered.   But Islam was not. By the year 1220, the Mongols had captured Samarkand and Bukhara.   And, in the year 1255, the Mongol rulers of Persia went to war against the Caliph of Islam in Baghdad.   Led by Genghis Khan’s grandson, Hulagu Khan, they invaded Syria and Palestine, and in 1258, captured Baghdad, destroying the city and killing the Abbasid Caliph in the process. Baghdad, before the Mongol invasion, was one of the centers of intellectual activity for the entire globe.   By attacking the center, the Mongols pretty much snuffed out the intellectual flowering of the time.   Besides, the city had had its agriculture supported by a canal network thousands of years in age.   The Mongols also destroyed the physical structure of Baghdad – before then referred to as the City of Peace – by filling in the irrigation canals and leaving Iraq  too depopulated to restore them.   The barbarians had killed around eighty thousand people of Baghdad. After Baghdad, the Mongols marched westward, but were halted at Ayn Jalut, one of the decisive battlefields of history near Nazareth in Israel.   In the year 1260, the Turkish and Egyptian forces routed the Mongols at Ayn Jalut, thereby preventing the enemy from attacking Egypt and North Africa.   The Golden Horde Mongols of Russia sided with the Turks and the Egyptians to turn against their own kind. By coming into contact with the Muslims through invasions, countless Mongols began to embrace Islam.   Ghazan Khan Mahmud, a Mongol ruler, officially adopted Islam as the religion of the state at the dawn of the fourteenth century.   During this period, the Mongols built mosques and schools, and patronized all sorts of scholarship. Then again, Tamerlane, the world conqueror, appeared among the Mongols, leading the barbarian forces to sweep down on Central Asia, India, Iran, Iraq, and Syria; occupying Aleppo and Damascus; and threatening the Mamluks.   The Muslims survived their invaders.   Nonetheless, the damage had been done.   Some of the regions occupied by the Muslims in the past did never recover fully, and the Muslim empire never fully regained its enormous power held in the past. The Mongol invasions happened to be a major cause of subsequent decline that set in throughout the heartland of the Arab East.   The Mongols, in their sweep through the Muslim world, had killed and deported innumerable scholars as well as scientists; destroyed libraries along with their irreplaceable works; and thereby set the stage for general intellectual decline in the Middle East.   By wiping out the invaluable cultural, scientific, and technological legacy that  the Muslim scholars had been preserving for some five hundred years – the Mongols had left an indelible mark on the minds of the Middle Easterners.   After the Mongols, the Middle East never really reached the height of intellectual supremacy it once had reached. The Mongols came to rule the entire Middle East except for Egypt.   Traditionally the worshippers of heaven, the Mongols had believed in their divine right to rule the entire world.   The Muslims in the Middle East had also believed in their own supremacy until this time.   This is because the Holy Qur’an had referred to the believers as the best of communities raised on earth.   The Mongol invasions were a bitter disappointment for the Muslims of the Middle East, seeing that they showed how the great Muslim Caliphate could be routed easily by a band of barbarians. A serious setback for the Muslims of the Middle East, Mongols ruled the Middle Easterners from Persia instead of Baghdad, crushing the Arab sense of superiority in the process.   The masters had turned into subjects.   This, indeed, was an important lesson for Middle Easterners, seeing that the events of the centuries to come held even greater blows in store for them. Muslim historians have asserted that the Mongol invasion of the Middle East was a punishment from God for the rulers of the Muslim world that had turned to corruption.   Moreover, God does not tolerate arrogance on the part of a race that comes to rule another.   The Middle Easterners had, by this time, seen tremendous successes almost everywhere in the world.   And yet, the Abbasids had overthrown the Umayyads, thereby setting the stage for Middle Eastern decline.   This is because Islam does not set brother against brother.   It may very well be that rulers from the Middle East had begun overthrowing one another for power alone rather than  Islam.   In fact, the same pattern was applied among the Mughal emperors of the subcontinent, who too were eventually overthrown by â€Å"outsiders†. When the Ottomans were overthrown by â€Å"outsiders† after the First World War, it was a reminder for the Muslim world.   As a matter of fact, the Mongols were brought to mind.   Once again, the Muslim Caliphate had been done away with. One of the reasons cited by Muslim scholars for the fall of the Muslim Caliphate is that many of the caliphs who came after Prophet Muhammad and his friends, Abu Bakr, Usman, Umar, and Ali – were defeated because they had built grand empires at the cost of discarding thoughts about the afterlife.   In fact, right up to the Ottomans, the Muslims had formed a truly magnificent empire. Harems were common, and there was just too much excitement over worldly affairs to let the afterlife be of much concern to the rulers as well as their subjects.   In actuality, Muslims are meant to be focused on the afterlife instead of worldly affairs.   Even though the grandeur of David and Solomon is not disdained, many of the caliphs of Islam after the first few ones are truly known to have turned too much attention on worldly affairs.   This, according to Muslim historians, was one of the chief causes of Middle Eastern decline. The Mongols stay in the consciousness of the Middle Easterners today as a reminder of the brutal past – a past for which only they were held responsible.   The reminder is beneficial.   In point of fact, the history of the Mongols among the Middle Easterners is only meant to bring the Muslims of the Middle East closer to God, and the real spirit of Islam.      

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bioinformatics: BioEdit

One of the primary needs of man, in terms of the cognitive and psychological aspects of life, is to understand himself and other forms of life in order to determine each other’s role and place as inhabitants on earth with unique physiological, anatomical, and most importantly in this case, biological features which exhibit major differences from each other, setting the stage for discovering the quintessential facets of life.This particular need of man had been provided for due to the capacity of Science and Technology to allow him to obtain relevant and comprehensive facts that are rational and quantifiable in nature to develop an organized body of knowledge that provides reliable and valid information about human life, as well as other species on the planet, particularly on the measure of how life is formed, transformed, and reproduced.Under these pretexts, the importance of information is framed pertaining to its connection with the field of biology, specifically under the f ramework of Molecular Biology, Genetics, Computer Science, IT, and Statistics. (Ramsden, 2004) Aside from the purpose of collating reliable and valid information to provide man with an open access to facts or data for the purpose of cognitive enlightenment and sustenance of psychological needs, and so on, solving various issues and problems confronting man and other species on earth may also be addressed through the information-gathering process.Not only does it contribute to the field of Molecular Biology or Genetics for instance, but the processes of obtaining pertinent and comprehensive data are advantageous in addressing concerns in various fields, including Health Care and Medicine, Farming, Agriculture and environmental concerns, Nutrition, Food Processing and Production, and so on. (Hyman, 2003) The process of resolving these multiple issues that affect almost all major fields or industries start by focusing attention on gathering and analyzing information which may be initia lly categorized under Molecular Biology, and then subsequently, Genetics.The next step constitutes the synthesis and organization of information in order to develop theoretical approaches and practical strategies for problem-solving purposes. However, positioning the theoretical framework of Molecular Biology into practical environments and realizing its purpose of obtaining information to contribute to various fields and industries have never been easy. One should not expect that gathering information from various life forms is a trouble-free task.Since molecular and biological information covers a vast scope, (Bommarius & Riebel, 2004) and information obtained requires meaningful, factual, and systematic observations, interpretations, analyses, and synthesis, the necessity for developing a tool or a system to manage the various processes involved, such as the information-gathering, the storage and retrieval of data, the management of data, and so on, (Ramsden, 2004) was realized.T hrough the fusion of technology, particularly Information Technology or IT, Computer Science, Statistics, and Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics came about addressing problems that challenged the informational system of Biology. With the development of Bioinformatics, scientists, particularly molecular biologists and geneticists, have founded an efficient way to create a database of pertinent information obtained under the application of Molecular Biology since its inception, wherein facts and data gathered may be stored and organized for future access or retrieval.(Ramsden, 2004) Moreover, through services provided by Bioinformatics, it allows scientists to organize and synthesize information meaningfully for rational and relevant evaluations and assessments of facts in order to arrive at substantial results that lead to the formation of sound conclusions and generalizations. Bioinformatics therefore focus on the organization of facts and data, the synthesis of this information to d evelop bodies of knowledge, and finally, the evaluation and assessment of facts or data in order to formulate pertinent theories and strategies in addressing biological concerns across multiple disciplines.(Bommarius & Riebel, 2004) With these information on Bioinformatics in mind, the remainder of this discussion shall be devoted to discussing the history of Bioinformatics, the role of Computer Science, Information Technology, Molecular Biology, and Statistics in the development, sustenance, functioning, and efficiency of Bioinformatics, and an evaluation of a Bioinformatics tool or software in relation to its goals or objectives, its interface, available application features and characteristics, additional services, and so on.A SHORT HISTORY IN BIOINFORMATICS Due to the influx of information from numerous research studies conducted by scientists under the coverage of Molecular Biology, the ongoing process has fueled the need for the development of a system that shall be able to or ganize and collate information – that is, Bioinformatics.From Tiselius’ design of the process of electrophoresis, to the development of the alpha-helix by Pauling and Corey, and consequently the improvement of Pauling and Corey’s model to the double-helix by Watson and Crick, developments on protein crystallography, the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or ARPANET, the creation of molecular models, and so on, these various events and situations were taken collectively developing the need and recommendation for the creation of a model or framework that will handle information simultaneously, efficiently, and reliably.(Sadek, 2004) From the developments and discoveries of new information based on the processes and techniques employed in the field of Molecular Biology, supported by the attention and interest granted to computers and technology during the eighties because of the dawn of the era of technology, the role of Bioinformatics was re alized, emphasized, and consequently developed. Scientists, as well as various organizations, industries, academic institutions, and such, have continued to develop and improve Bioinformatics.The results constitute the engineering of various applications or softwares since the concept of Bioinformatics was framed during the seventies. Each program or application that was structured were designed to carry out multifarious and specific tasks and responsibilities including DNA sequencing or mapping, the organization of data according to priorities, use, needs, concerns, problems, etc. Some of these applications or softwares include the PC/GENE, PROSITE, SEQANALREF, etc.(Agarwal, 200-) At present time, Bioinformatics continue to evolve and develop as man consciously obtains more complex information and experience developments from previous knowledge and established theories or concepts. In addition, as numerous problems and conflicts related to Biology and its practical application incl uding lessons or concepts arise, Bioinformatics as a practical and essential field in Science and Technology will continue to look for solutions in order to address these concerns.The changing landscape of society, particularly its move from traditionalism and individualism to modernization and globalization, influences changes and transformations in Bioinformatics. BIOINFORMATICS: Molecular Biology, Computer Science, IT, and Statistics In order to deeply understand how Bioinformatics work, we need to go over the structure and features of the subfields that it constitutes, such as Molecular Biology, Computer Science, IT, and Statistics. Molecular Biology is a branch of Science that deals with the analysis of various molecules within living things in general.Various types of cells from man, animals, and plants are studied and analyzed in order to determine molecular compositions, and consequently learn determine their structures and compositions, their reactions to other molecules an d substances found within living things, their functions and contributions to human life, or life in general including plants and animals, and so on. Molecular Biology also studies Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA compositions of living things as they contribute knowledge and information on Genetics.This particular aspect focuses on structuring how molecules reproduce through DNA replication within a cell. (Hyman, 2003) Computer Science and IT are both products of the fusion between Science and Technology. They function because of the build-up of information that constitutes Molecular Biology for the purposes of quantifying and qualifying facts and data into meaningful sequences, models, or formations that may be interpreted, analyzed, and synthesized.Some of the specific contributions of Computer Science and IT include the storage, construction, and reconstruction of DNA sequences, a thorough genome analysis by accessing various related information in databases managed by IT, the const ruction of graphic organizers or visual representations of information for clarity and direct presentation of facts, the timely and efficient transfer and receipt of information across databases and information systems, and the collation of variable information about protein sequences. (Keedwell & Narayanan, 2005)Statistics, as a mathematical and scientific approach to analyzing and interpreting data, contributes to Bioinformatics by allowing scientists to test the weight or magnitude of information and provide quantifiable data that may be interpreted according to established standards or guidelines. Information, facts, or data, obtained through experiments and consequently, the findings obtained by molecular biologists from thorough analysis and evaluation an in depth research studies are labeled with values leading to the formulation of estimates, predictions, or likelihoods of the occurrence of various phenomena.Moreover, Statistics is important in allowing computers and various technologies to determine how facts or data are to be translated in order to arrive at scientific conclusions of generalizations. (Ramsden, 2004) By and large, the unique features and contributions of these fields in Science, Technology, and Mathematics, meld together in order to build the foundations of Bioinformatics.Information from Molecular Biology are utilized and transformed to numerical data through Statistics, and both informational statements and figures are stored in computers and other technologies including IT systems or processes, IT functions, standards, guidelines, etc. for easy access and retrieval, synthesis, analysis, and interpretation, and are consequently managed through IT systems and processes. BIOEDITBioEdit is a software application made available for Windows Operating Systems that is used to reconstruct how DNA, nucleic acids, and amino acids are arranged in order to follow the superlative sequence of these substances based on rules and standards derived from previous studies and analyses by molecular biologists and geneticists. Aside from these functions, BioEdit also runs to provide users with graphic simulators that construct drawings or illustrations, chartings and mappings, etc. , BLAST searches, and alignments.(Salemi & Vandamme, 2003 and Tsai, 2002) Coverage and Value of BioEdit to Bioinformatics The study of Molecular Biology necessitates the in depth analysis and evaluation of molecules and their various compositions found in living things, particularly proteins or amino acids which were then identified to be the edifices of life. As time passed, molecular biologists realized the importance of going beyond the study of protein or amino acid structures, and focus on DNA and other nucleic acids which map out how life is formed, transformed, or reproduced.The study of the two most important molecular structures in living things – amino acids and nucleic acids – forms the foundation of Molecular Biology, as well a s Genetics, as fields of science. (Horobin, 2003) In studying these acids, molecular biologists and geneticists need to determine their composition, structures, and sequences in order to identify how they are formed and identify their respective roles in building life. (Horobin, 2003) For the purpose of deeply understanding the importance of sequencing and realignment in Molecular Biology, as well as Genetics, we will focus on the subject of DNA.Molecular Biologists and Geneticists utilize the process of DNA sequencing by following established methodologies and standards. Because of enormous funding obtained from both public and private sectors that are extremely interested in advancing the field of genome sequencing, particularly for purposes of genetic modification and cloning, the DNA sequencing methodology has been continuously evolving in order to adapt new findings and trends that raise its reliability, validity, and efficiency. (Griffin & Griffin, 1994)Sequencing and realignm ent of data and samples help Molecular Biologists and Geneticists create various patterns of DNA links or formation, assemble or disassemble structures for a deeper or more thorough analysis, create a map or graphic organizer which will instantly illustrate how enzymes or other substances are formed from base samples such as DNA, analyses of DNA samples and sequences in order to predict outcomes in protein formation, analyses of protein or amino acids in order to determine their specific features or characteristics, look for other structures or sequences within the database with similar characteristics and formations with the sample, and consequently aligning similar structures or sequences together in order to predict reactions, growth and development, and so on. (Griffin & Griffin, 1994)Results from the sequencing, alignment, or realignment processes that are primary accomplished by resorting to bioinformatics tools such as BioEdit, constitute the information for proper DNA sequen ces in order to identify anomalies or flaws in other models or structures. This is most important in the field of medicine and health because it helps professionals determine serious diseases or illnesses that might be passed on through heredity, varying genes in order to alter anomalies or flaws within its structures, and such. Sequences and alignments also help further genetic cloning because it provides relevant information on how life may be reproduced in the process. Other practical uses of DNA sequencing and alignment include the improvement product formation, by determining how the formation of genes may be developed gearing towards constructiveness, particularly in the food industry. (Walker & Rapley, 2000)BioEdit, as a tool for sequencing and aligning various molecules or substances such as DNA, nucleic acids, amino acids, etc. , is therefore extremely important in the realization of the goals of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Through its comprehensive services and feature s aside from sequencing and aligning, the application is able to help molecular biologists and geneticists thoroughly analyze sequences for various purposes aforementioned, consequently advancing not only their respective fields but other scientific industries as well including health care and medicine, psychology and behavior, farming and agriculture, food processing and production, genetics, etc. BioEdit: The ApplicationBioEdit is available for free download from various online sources offering different versions, including tutorials and general databases for the purpose of comparing sequences. For this reason, BioEdit appears to be instrumental in one’s accomplishment of various tasks and responsibilities that are associated to the study of DNA, amino acids, nucleic acids, etc. because the software is readily available for users who need access to such Bioinformatics tools. In addition, there are several online tutorials that will help one in learning how to use the applic ation appropriately and efficiently. For this particular evaluation, BioEdit 7. 0. 9 was used and downloaded from http://www. mbio. html. (Hall, 2007) Although there are online tutorials available for new users, handling BioEdit is quite difficult. One cannot easily use BioEdit the first time because there is a need to go over terminologies, exploring the functions and requirements of running BioEdit. For instance, the Accessory Application tab contains various commands or protocols that are unfamiliar to new users, unless they have comprehensive experiences in handling other applications or programs with similar interface. In order to begin working with BioEdit, one must know what BLAST is, CAP or Contig Assembly Program, a Protein Distance Matrix, and so on.Moreover, there is a need for new users to familiarize themselves with various goals and objectives that should be accomplished in using BioEdit in order to determine which tools found in the tabs shal l be used and how databases shall be drawn from the World Wide Web for thorough analysis, alignment, or comparison of sequences. One beneficial attribute of BioEdit include the availability of links to online sets that provide databases such as the Vector Database, the PHYLIP Homepage, the RNase P Database, and so on. In addition, BioEdit allows users to utilize sequences in various formats and read and access numerous sequences that may be imported from other sources. BioEdit does not also limit users to the built-in services that come with the download of the program because it opens itself to upgrades by downloading other complementary or helper applications.When it comes to the actual utilization of tools offered by the BioEdit becomes highly useful because it is able to carry out basic tasks, such as editing of sequences from samples, translating the compositions and formation of sequences, the alignment of sequences to multiple sources, and so on. Although the BioEdit is quite difficult to use in the beginning, going over tutorials and Read Me files from online websites is useful in order to familiarize oneself with the interface of the program. Moreover, it offers various tools that completes several tasks and provides access to numerous databases that may be used for many purposes. The following screenshots were obtained from the website wherein BioEdit was used to fulfill various tasks and functions including Split alignment, Hydrophobicity Plots, and Plasmid drawing and annotation. (Hall, 2007)